MARJORIE SIMON - JEWELER WRITER EDUCATOR Portfolio AllArchive 1970 - 2000Current 2000 - Present Pouring Tea(rs) Never Again Wild Anodyne Anodyne Brooch Out of the Swamp Neckpiece Ring Candy Fluffy Black Neckpiece Fluffy Croton Blue Murano Clear Murano with Red First Thoughts Victorian Steel Necklace Botanical Trio Blossfeldt Steel Necklace Blue David Brooch Box of Blossoms Brooch William Morris Brooches Field of Blossoms Brooch Blue Peony Brooch Yellow Circle Brooch Souvenir Badges Skeleton Blossoms Brooch Golden Hut Earrings Blue + Gold Neckpiece Cast Enameled Brooch Red Zinnia Cotyledon Necklace Fluffy Red 9/11 Brooch with Pearls Assortment of Enameled Tube Necklaces Egyptian Flowers Necklace Eukarya Brooches Five Strand Choker Red Tubes Seaform Brooch Marriage of Metal Margaret Mead Commemorative Neckpiece Hedgehog with Brush Cut Feathered Hedgehog Mother and Child Hedgehogs Spotted Hedgehog White Black and Yellow Clock Standing Clock Planet Clock Pink and Black Clock Pair of Dancing Boxes Family of Square Boxes Two Princesses Spiky Chair Purse with Removable Brooches Huts A Couple of Brooches Dreaming House Brooch Brooch Feather Chair Feather Brooch East Coast Mask NEWS WRITING PORTFOLIO CONTACT MARJORIE SIMON CONTACT